July 9, 2017Comments are off for this post.

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is a British motivational speaker/ author and all round interesting guy. I found out about him when his video on Millennials was heavily trending on YouTube, a truely insightful talk about the clash between generations in the workplace. His perspective and understanding on business's, leaders and people is intriguing and I actively search for his content. I have read both "Start with the why" and Leaders eat last" both are great.

Be sure to check out his channel

December 28, 2016Comments are off for this post.

The Joe Rogan Experience

Everyone knows Joe Rogan as the host of Fear Factor or that he commentates for the UFC or that his live comedy shows feature on Netflix. What you need to know is that he has a very insightful and topical Podcast on YouTube. Featuring all types of people; UFC fighters, Comedians, Directors, all the way to the "Iceman"  Wim Hof. Check it out below.

Joe's Podcast

September 3, 2016Comments are off for this post.


I stumbled upon TinyCircuits and their Tiny Arcades when searching through Kickstarter.

They come in a DIY Kit with an OLED screen 4 awesome games and an SD expansion slot where you can update the software and download many more games. I must admit half the fun was putting it together. Check out the Mashables video below.


TinyCircuits Website

March 27, 2016Comments are off for this post.

Triumph and Disaster

A New Zealand mens boutique skin care brand developed by Dion Nash (The Black Cap) that aims to "respect nature and utilize science". Triumph and Disaster has a distinct old school charm, from the understated packaging with brilliant copy to the distinct tasty smells and textures of the products. Definatly check out their product range and make them part of your daily ritual.

Triumph and Disaster Website

March 27, 2016Comments are off for this post.

The Dark Hose

Based on a true story, The Dark Horse is a great New Zealand story about a man overcoming all his personal troubles to help teach a group of youths how to play chess. Starring Cliff Curtis and James Rolleston.


Dark Horse Trailer

March 23, 2016Comments are off for this post.

What we do in the Shadows

A hilarious vampire mockumentry taking place in Wellington.

What we do in the shadows website

February 26, 2016Comments are off for this post.

The Tannery

Alasdair Cassells purchased The Tannery 22 years ago but only in the last 4 years has it really started to come to life. The Tannery is now be recognised as one of New Zealand's most beautiful boutique shopping areas. Housing over 50 shops including a cinema and brewery.

The Tannery Facebook

The Tannery Website

February 25, 2016Comments are off for this post.

C1 Espresso

I first went to C1 when it was located in High Street, in the central city of Christchurch some time in 2009. Since the 2010 earthquake much like most places that have reopened it has moved, now residing in which use to be the old central post building on Tuam Street. C1 is an exciting, fun and comfortable cafe with many bells and whistles to entertain while enjoying one of their trademark berry and chocolate chip muffins.

SPOILERS (Here are some of the amazing things that makes C1 unique)
Sawing machine tap, lego counter, hidden doors, arcade games, roof top garden and food by a 140kmh tube shoot.

C1 Espresso Facebook

C1 Espresso Website

December 26, 2015Comments are off for this post.

The Rok

The Rok is a beautifully engineered hand press espresso maker that was voted one of GQ Magazine's Best Stuff of 2012. I recently purchased ones of these after getting quite excited by the manual process of creating coffee, from using the hand coffee grinder to frothing milk with a small version of what looks like a plunger. The coffee does seem to come out very rich and full of flavour. If you want to see it in action the creator has made some videos which are on the website.

Rok Website

June 24, 2015Comments are off for this post.


Pre warning: what I am about to tell you may in fact be pointless as Harry's is not available in New Zealand...unless you buy through Amazon or eBay. Anyway.Founded by Andy Katz-Mayfield and Jeff Raider, Harry's is a mens shaving brand with really clean, hight quality and nicely designed products that don't cost the earth. The Harry's website is well spaced, easy to navigate and is a good example of an E-Commerce site that is made to feel small and personal. The photography and language used really talks about the importance of the craftsmanship and story, making sure you know that everything is considered.

Harry's Website

February 9, 2015Comments are off for this post.


The speed of pen and paper for creating wireframes or scamps can not be over looked and GridBooks make the presentation just a little more slick. Each book features a specific grid layout, catering for banners, Web, eDM's and Mobile Apps.

Gridbooks Website

January 27, 2015Comments are off for this post.

Do Not Rest – Nat Cheshire

At Semi-Permanent, Auckland 2014 Nat Cheshire from Nat Cheshire Architects delivered an inspiring talk that undoubtedly made many people question their own passion for the work they do.

His ability to capture details through words and vividly address the work he has done around Auckland City is something that can be appreciated by all. Check out the video below.

Let's make something beautiful.


Available for projects.