July 9, 2017Comments are off for this post.

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is a British motivational speaker/ author and all round interesting guy. I found out about him when his video on Millennials was heavily trending on YouTube, a truely insightful talk about the clash between generations in the workplace. His perspective and understanding on business's, leaders and people is intriguing and I actively search for his content. I have read both "Start with the why" and Leaders eat last" both are great.

Be sure to check out his channel

March 27, 2016Comments are off for this post.

Triumph and Disaster

A New Zealand mens boutique skin care brand developed by Dion Nash (The Black Cap) that aims to "respect nature and utilize science". Triumph and Disaster has a distinct old school charm, from the understated packaging with brilliant copy to the distinct tasty smells and textures of the products. Definatly check out their product range and make them part of your daily ritual.

Triumph and Disaster Website

March 27, 2016Comments are off for this post.

The Dark Hose

Based on a true story, The Dark Horse is a great New Zealand story about a man overcoming all his personal troubles to help teach a group of youths how to play chess. Starring Cliff Curtis and James Rolleston.


Dark Horse Trailer

March 23, 2016Comments are off for this post.

What we do in the Shadows

A hilarious vampire mockumentry taking place in Wellington.

What we do in the shadows website

Let's make something beautiful.


Available for projects.